United Women in Faith White Logo

United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in global ministries of the church.

Monthly Meetings

2nd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 AM & 7:00 PM, from September to May.

Each month, we gather on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:30 AM and 7 PM. Brunch refreshments will be in the Cafe Area and then we will meet in the Chapel. Interest Groups will be in their regular rooms. The evening Gathering will meet in the Chapel. Hope you can be with us.

HELP NEEDED after the meetings: In an attempt to be more environmentally friendly, we will be using glassware and china for our meetings. Please let us know if you can help run the dishwasher. Training provided! Cleanup should take less than 30 minutes.

Childcare is provided for AM meetings! Please register by the Thursday prior to the meeting to allow time to obtain staffing. Click here to register for childcare.

If you are new to United Women in Faith, Welcome! Below are the groups available.
Interest Groups meet after the general meeting, with the exception of September, December and May.

Morning Interest Groups


Various Facilitators
Each month Oct.~Nov. and Jan.~ April, a different travel location or extremely unusual career or life experience will be shared during the monthly AM Interest Group. This group will meet in room G/H.

March – “Living in China” with Brenda Erickson
Brenda, her husband Kent and daughter, Chrissy, moved to Shanghai, China in 2007, for Ken’s corporate job. Chrissy was 15 and soon to be a sophomore when they moved to their primary home there in 2016. Hear about the joys, adventures, trials and tribulations of living in China!

April – “Finding God in Other Places and People” with Mary Hayes
Mary will talk about the value of getting out of your comfort zone in service to others.


Led by Pastor Karla Elliott

Reading Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis’s book Fierce Love: A Bold Path to Ferocious Courage and Rule-Breaking Kindness That Can Heal the World for Oct-Nov, Jan-Apr, meeting in Room B/C. In our divided world, our differences are reduced to simplistic labels that can all too often turn our perspective into “us” against “them.” But the author’s experiences—of being the first female and first Black minister in her church’s history, being in an interracial marriage, and making peace with childhood abuse—illustrate that our human capacity for empathy and forgiveness is the key to reversing these ugly trends. Inspired by the tenets of ubuntu—the Zulu philosophy that we are each impacted by the circumstances that impact those around us, and that the world won’t get better until we all get better—Fierce Love lays out the nine daily practices for breaking through tribalism and engineering the change we seek. From downsizing our emotional baggage to speaking truth to power to fueling our activism with joy, it demonstrates the power of small, morally courageous steps to heal our own lives, our posse, and our larger communities.  Books will be available for purchase at the UWF September Kickoff and in the church entrance (Door #2) for $13. 


Gail Lee, Facilitator
Bookworms discusses both fiction and non-fiction works from a faith-based perspective. This group meets in the Library.

Here is a list of book for 2024 – 2025
March 2025:  “Strong Poison” by Dorothy Sayers
April 2025:  “Very Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers” by Jesse Sutanto
Gail has reserved all of the kits at the Carmel library.

Evening Interest Groups

Spiritual Formation

Michelle White, Facilitator

Welcome ladies to the evening UWF spiritual formation interest group for a study of the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah “saw the glory of Christ and spoke of him.“ (John 12: 41), linking the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Each month we will watch and then discuss a video.

Copies of the study book Isaiah: Striving Less and Trusting God More by Melissa Spoelstra will be available for any who would like to read further about learning to rely on the Lord.

Please feel free to drop in and share your thoughts and prayers with our small group.


Deb Skinner, Facilitator
This group reads a variety of subjects. Haven’t read the book, then come for the discussion and fellowship.

March: The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray
April: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
May: The Seed Keepers by Diane Wilson 
Summer (second Tuesday in August): The Alice Network by Kate Quinn 

Contact Deb Skinner with questions. 317-574-1997. 


Various Facilitators
Each month Oct.~Nov. and Jan.~ April, a different travel location or extremely unusual career or life experience will be shared during the monthly AM Interest Group. This group will meet in room G/H.

March – “Living in China” with Brenda Erickson
Brenda, her husband Kent and daughter, Chrissy, moved to Shanghai, China in 2007, for Ken’s corporate job. Chrissy was 15 and soon to be a sophomore when they moved to their primary home there in 2016. Hear about the joys, adventures, trials and tribulations of living in China!

April – “Finding God in Other Places and People” with Mary Hayes
Mary will talk about the value of getting out of your comfort zone in service to others.

All are welcome to join any interest group on any meeting time. 

Ribbons of Hope~ Secure in God’s Love

Many “Ribbons of Hope Bags” have been shared with others to lift spirits, encourage hearts during difficult times and illnesses, and to reach out with scriptures and caring expressions of love. Prepared bags are available at the monthly UWF gatherings.  Please take a bag or two to share with those who God has placed on your heart. Many hands and hearts are the messengers of God’s Love and His Hope through Scriptures and Loving Kindness.

How can you help? Continue by providing any of these supplies. Items may be placed at any time in the “Ribbons of Hope” plastic bin in the entry way, or brought to the monthly UWF Meetings.

Envelopes~ Hot Chocolate, Oatmeal, Soups
Tea Bags, Granola & Health Bars
Individual Cracker and Cookie Packets
Hostess Cupcake Treats
Wrapped Candies & Sweet Treats
Small Hand Soaps, Small containers of Hand and Body Lotions
Lip Balms, Small Kleenex Packets
Small Stuffed Animals
Tissue Paper, Ribbons
Inspirational & Blank Cards, Seasonal Stickers
10” x 8” bags with handles

Ways to Support Our Missions

One of the ways you can help support our UWF mission projects locally and around the world for women, children and youth is through your annual pledge. For questions, contact Peggy-Anne Hoy, Treasurer, at pahat664@gmail.com.

The St. Mark’s United Women in Faith donates to the following

organizations supported through fund raising efforts, personal giving, and collections of needed items.
Ascent 121: www.ascent121.org
Brightwood Center www.brightwoodcc.org
East 10th Street Children’s Center east10th.org
Fletcher Place fletcherplacecc.org
IHN-Family Promise familypromise.org
Hope Center Indy: www.hopecenterindy.org
Hamilton County Kids Coats kidscoats.org
Vida Nuevo UMC / Abundant Harvest UMC abundantvidanueva.org
Lucille Raines Residence (owned and operated by United Women in Faith of Indiana) inumc.org/engage/adults/united-methodist-women/lucille-raines-residence/

Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home: www.iumch.org  Click here for a list of current needs.

Red Bird Mission in Southeastern Kentucky rbmission.org
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) umcmission.org/umcor
Operation Classroom, Inc. Partnership with the UM Churches of Liberia/Sierra Leone, W. Africa www.operationclassroom.org

Thank you for your support of pledges and volunteerism. With God’s help and our faithful workers and supporters we were able to raise $20,230 for local, district and national mission projects thru our pledges and fundraising events.

Window to the World:  A United Women in Faith Reading Program

All women of the church are invited to participate in the United Women in Faith National Reading Program “Your Window to the World”. Book Discussions take place 5 times a year in the church library.

UWF National Reading Program 2025 meeting dates.
 Each discussion is focused on one of the Reading Categories. All meeting dates are on a Monday.  The group meets in the church library from 7pm-8:30pm

  • March 24, 2025 –  Leadership Development
  • April 28, 2025 – Nurturing for Community
  • June 23, 2025 – Social Action
  • October 27, 2025 Spiritual Growth

Visit the Reading Program website https://uwfaith.org/resources/reading-program/ for a list of eligible books. The UWF magazine response is also available as a physical and digital magazine. Click here to find out more.

For more information or to be added to the reading program email distribution list contact Kathy Lentz at kathylentz@gmail.com

The next question you may be asking yourself is how do I get these books? Answers:

  • Some of them may be available in the St. Mark’s UMC library.
  • Some of them may be available in your public library.
  • Purchase them from online booksellers, i.e. Amazon, Cokesbury, Barnes & Noble, etc.
  • Purchase them from a local bookstore.
  • Share with other readers.

If you do order books through Amazon, please remember to visit smile.amazon.com, Amazon’s charitable giving page, and select “United Methodist Women” as your charitable organization. For all eligible purchases made on smile.amazon.com, Amazon will donate 0.5% to United Methodist Women.

Upcoming Events


United Women in Faith Fundraisers

Many hands are need to help with organizing, planning, working and attending the UWF fundraisers

2024-25 Fundraisers start in the fall

Arts & Crafts Marketplace

Pecan Sales – Starting November 3

Dessert Extravaganza – February 2025

Trinkets & Treasures – May 2025

Faith Talks – A United Women in Faith Podcast

Faith Talks are monthly conversations with United Methodist Women hosted by Jennifer R Farmer, Spotlight PR. Each conversation explores themes and resources that empower us to put faith, hope and love into action. To access Faith Talks podcasts, go to uwfaith.org/resources/podcasts/

All women of St. Mark’s UMC are invited to sign up for the
Closed Facebook Group.

click the FaceBook icon below

United Women in Faith Interest Survey

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (NIRV)   4 There are different kinds of gifts. But they are all given to believers by the same Spirit. 5 There are different ways to serve. But they all come from the same Lord. 6 There are different ways the Spirit works. But the same God is working in all these ways and in all people.  

Thank you for taking the time to let us know what you are interested in being a part of St. Mark’s United Women in Faith. We appreciate your input and service.  If you would prefer completing a hard copy of the survey, click here to download.