Lent is a season of reflection, repentance, and preparation.
Ash Wednesday, March 5, through Easter, April 20
Worship Services
Ash Wednesday
March 5 | 7 PM
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline.
In-person and livestream available.
Childcare is available for children ages birth to 5.
Holy Thursday
April 17 | 7PM
Holy Thursday is the first of the three days of solemn remembrance of the events leading up to and immediately following the crucifixion of Jesus.
In-person and livestream available.
Good Friday
April 18 | 7 PM
Good Friday services focus upon prayer and reflection on the death of Christ and penance and special devotion for the believer.
In-person and livestream available.
Childcare is available for children ages birth to 5. Please register before March 27 to secure a spot.
Easter Sunday
April 20
7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM
7:00 AM – Sunrise Service – We will gather in the church chapel.
In-person only.
9:00 AM – Traditional service.
In-person and livestream available.
11:00 AM – The Current service.
In-person and livestream available.

Wings of Hope: Lenten Offering & Easter Card Campaign
Honor someone special this Lenten season with a gift through St. Mark’s Wings of Hope Campaign. Your Lenten offerings this year will benefit Society of St. Andrew (SoSA). Partnering with faith groups, secular groups, schools, and individuals, SoSA sends willing volunteers to glean (pick, dig, or gather) fresh fruits and vegetables from fields and orchards. Sharing healthy and nourishing food with hungry people, prevents food waste, and spreads the abundance that we are provided.
Make a gift In Honor, In Memory, or In Appreciation of a special person or group. Honorees will receive an Easter Card from St. Mark’s acknowledging your gift and celebrating the Resurrection of Christ. Your donations are given directly to Society of St. Andrew to help them continue to share healthy and nourishing food with hungry people.
Contact Amy Adams with questions at mailto:aadams@stmarkscarmel.org.
Children’s Lenten Resources & Activities
Family Devotionals
People often choose to give up something for Lent, but it is also a great time to rest in daily prayer and contemplation. Pick up your copies of devotionals for kids (“Stepping Stones Through Lent”) and adults (“The Way, Truth, & Life”) from the shelves in the church entrance (Door #2) or table near the Café.
Kidz Lenten Musical “Light It Up”
March 23| 1:30 PM
This year’s Kidz Lenten Musical is Light It Up! In this show, a bright group of students has just arrived for Bible class, but a couple of things are missing…their teacher and LIGHT! Come support the children of the church as they bring this special seasonal message to life.
If you have questions, please contact Joyce Click at jclick@stmarkscarmel.org.
Kidz Lenten Resources
Lenten activity booklets for children will be available in the church narthex beginning Sunday, 3/2. Plan to pick up your family’s copy prior to the start of Lent (Ash Wednesday, 3/5). There will be materials for adults and children to enhance the 40-day season of Lent!
Palm Sunday Procession of Palms
April 13 | 9 & 11 AM Services
On Palm Sunday, April 13th, children and youth, ages 4 – high school, are invited to participate in a procession of palms in the sanctuary during the prelude music at both the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM services. Please see Joyce Click for questions or to get a palm before the service.
If you have questions, please contact Joyce Click at jclick@stmarkscarmel.org.
Easter Egg Hunt
April 19 | 2:30 PM
Bring the whole family for an Easter Egg Hunt with the Easter Bunny on Saturday, April 19th! The event will be from 2:30-4 PM in Wesley Hall. The afternoon will start at 2:30 PM with the egg hunt beginning approximately at 3 PM in separate areas for each age. After the eggs are collected, children will receive a treat bag and listen to a reading of the Easter story.
It promises to be wonderfully fun and all are welcome, so invite your friends and neighbors! Sign up today!
Lenten Studies
Lenten Study: Entering the Passion of Jesus
–three groups available–
1) Wednesday EVENINGS | 2/26, 3/12-4/2, 4/16, 6:00-7:15PM | Led by Amy Pritchard | No mtg 3/5 & 4/9 | Room B/C
For Lent, dive into historical and social contexts—and the risks taken for great loss or great reward—of Jesus’s final days. Jesus risked his reputation when entering Jerusalem in a victory parade and risked his life teaching in the Temple. His followers risked everything when they left behind their homes or anointed him with costly perfume. Author and scholar Amy-Jill Levine raises ethical and spiritual questions from the text and highlights how we all can face risk in our Christian experience. Books are $11.
Lenten Study: The Final Days
United Methodist Men
2025 Hamilton County Lenten Breakfast Series:
All St. Mark’s men are invited to attend the 2025 Lenten Breakfast Series hosted by several Hamilton County Methodist Churches this year, including St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. Each Saturday morning breakfast includes good food, a speaker and fellowship with other Methodist men in the county.
Breakfasts are at 7:30 each Saturday starting on March 22nd. You can go to the church directly or join us at St. Mark’s at 7:00 am to carpool to the breakfast.
- March 22 Fishers UMC 9691 E. 116th St Fishers
- March 29 Sheridan UMC 207 E. 2nd St. Sheridan
- April 5 Christ UMC 318 N. Union St. Westfield,
- April 12 St. Mark’s UMC 478 E. 126th St. Carmel
Order Easter Flowers
Each year, St. Mark’s Chancel is filled with spring flowers in celebration of Easter. The flowers are provided by the congregation. This year we will be offering Tulips for the cost of $8.00 per pot and may be given in honor of, or in memory of a friend, loved one, group, etc. Deadline to purchase is April 13. Names will then be listed in the bulletin on Easter Sunday, April 20.
Please note: Flowers may be picked up after the 11 AM Easter service.