January In-Kind Donations – Fishers Youth Assistance Program
FYAP services include family education programs, summer meals, tutoring, mentoring, counseling & other mental health resources, food, clothing and financial assistance, and scholarships to camps and other recreational opportunities.
Your donation items may be dropped off at our donation bins inside door #2, Monday-Friday, 9-4. Children of the church are encouraged to shop with their parents and to drop off their donations at check in for Kidz Church.
Cleaning products:
- Toilet paper
- Paper towels
- Kleenex
- Dish soap
- Cleaning spray – like Lysol or any general cleaner for counters/bathrooms
Hygiene items:
- Body wash/soap
- Deodorant
- Shampoo/conditioner
- Body lotion
- Toothbrush/toothpaste
Contact Amy Adams for more information at aadams@stmarkscarmel.org.
Donations can be dropped off at St. Mark’s Mon-Fri from 9am-4pm.
For questions contact Missions at missions@stmarkscarmel.org.