Becky Mills

Becky Mills

Computer Technologist

I grew up in Westfield, went to Indiana University and graduated with a business degree. I worked for EDS for 19 years as a computer programmer then project manager. While working in Anderson with EDS, I met my husband, Charlie. We were married in 2002 at Union Chapel United Methodist Church. We moved to Westfield and began looking for a new church home. We found that home when we came to St. Mark’s. When our son Matthew was born in 2009, I “retired” from my career. While Matthew was attending St. Mark’s Preschool, a position came open on the St. Mark’s staff. I was happy join staff as the Pastor and Project Support. I am now back to using my technical skills as the Information Technology staff for St. Mark’s.

Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings
Favorite Book: The Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker, McElligot’s Pool by Dr. Seuss
Favorite Sports Team: Cleveland Guardians, IU Hoosiers
Favorite Vacation Destination: Mountains
Favorite Local Restaurant/coffee shop: First Watch

 Why work for St. Mark’s UMC?

I am blessed to work with and serve great people. I love that I can use my technical skills to help reach people and share the love of Jesus Christ.

What is your most memorable moment to-date at St. Mark’s UMC?

Having our son baptized at St. Mark’s. Pastor Bill Keith baptized Matthew when he was 6 months old. Pastor Keith was always so sweet with Matthew. It was a special day.

What most excites you about the future of St. Mark’s UMC?

As a parent, I am so excited to see the growth our Children’s Ministry. Kids are excited to come on Sunday. Kids are learning about the love of Jesus and building their own community.