Yearly Events
Preschool Meet the Teachers Parties
Your child will receive an invitation to a Meet the Teachers party at school. He or she is invited to bring a parent along to this special occasion. (Childcare for siblings is $5.00 per child.) It will be a time to explore the school, meet classmates, meet the teachers and build anticipation towards St. Mark’s Preschool. Your child and their classmates will be spending thirty minutes getting acclimated to a new environment prior to the first full day of preschool.
Daddy Date Night
Fathers will be the honored guests of their children during this hour of fun, laughter, and food. If for some reason a father is unable to attend, we invite a child to bring another male to this special evening. We encourage all fathers to make a special effort to be available for this “date” as it truly becomes a memorable occasion for all. Daddy Date Night is held for the Heart, Sunshine, Balloon, Moonbeam, Teddy Bear, and Rainbow classes. Check the October calendar for dates and times.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be held in November for all classes. All conferences will be conducted on an individual basis for 15 minutes. Specific details from each teacher will be sent home prior to the conferences. Feel free to call or to request a meeting with your child’s teacher if you have any concerns throughout the year. It is not uncommon in the first few weeks of school for some children to have adjustment problems. Please give your child and the teachers some time to let things settle down. If we have concerns regarding your child, you will hear from us before the scheduled conference time. During our scheduled parent/teacher conferences, baby-sitting will be available. Information on this service will be provided in the monthly newsletters.
Mom’s Spring Fling
Mom’s Spring Flings are held for the Heart, Sunshine, Balloon, Moonbeam, Teddy Bear, and Rainbow classes in April. This evening is a special event thanking the Moms for all they do. Please mark your calendar to share in this heart-warming occasion. If for some reason a mother is unable to attend, we invite a child to bring another female (grandmother, aunt, etc.) to this special evening. Check the School Calendar for April date & time for each class.