Upcoming Events

Current Month


30mar10:00 am11:00 amMovie, Popcorn, & Games!Kidz Church


19apr2:30 pm4:00 pmEaster Egg HuntAll are welcome

23apr4:00 pm8:00 pmDine Out to Donate at PaneraSupport St. Mark's Preschool

27apr12:00 pm1:00 pmSpring Pizza PartyKidz Music & Praise


14may3:00 pm10:00 pmDine Out to Donate - Handel's Ice CreamSupport St. Mark's Preschool


09jun9:00 am1:00 pmClub 56 Mission Camp 2025Club 56

16jun9:30 am11:30 amPuppet Camp - Bible Stories and SongsKMP Presents

16jun12:00 pm2:30 pmDrama Camp - Discovering a relationship with JesusKMP Presents


07jul9:00 am12:00 pmVBS 2025 - Road Trip - On the go with GodChildren's Ministries

Kidz Monthly Mission

Mission is a way of life at St. Mark’s, and what better way to live out this motto than by starting with our youngest members! Each month, Children’s Ministries strives to have children get involved in giving to the church’s monthly In-Kind Donations. To see a list of what’s needed for this month, please visit https://stmarkscarmel.org/in-kind-donations/.

Get Involved

Children sing in Worship!

Sunday, January 26, February 9, May 11, & June 15

All children of the church are invited to sing in worship at the beginning of The Current service (11 AM) on various Sundays throughout the year. Weekly rehearsals take place at 11 AM during Kidz Music & Praise on Sunday mornings. For more information, contact Joyce Click at jclick@stmarkscarmel.org.

Join a Kidz Church Team!

Come join the fun and impact a child’s life! Please prayerfully consider how you can be involved in this critical local mission—our own St. Mark’s children. Training and materials are provided, and you will always have a partner to share in the lead. If you cannot volunteer in a classroom, please pray for the volunteers God is nudging to serve.

Click here to join a Kidz Church teaching team!

Childcare Job Opportunities

St. Mark’s is always looking for caring people who love spending time with children to be a part of our paid childcare leader team.  Childcare is often needed during weekday mornings and occasionally during the early evening. All training is provided. Please contact Jackie Rowell at jrowell@stmarkscarmel.org to apply or for more information. 

Community Outreach

MOMCo | Thursdays from 9:30 – 11:15 AM

Women Supporting Women

The Mom Community (MomCo), is a non-profit organization that encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church. The MomCo at St. Mark’s meets two Thursdays a month (9:30-11:15am) and is getting ready to kick-off their fall semester. New moms are welcome! For details about membership and childcare, email us at momco.at.stmarks@gmail.com.

Testimonial from mom of 3

As a mother to three children under four, life can be chaotic. When we first moved to Indiana three years ago we knew no one. My husband’s job had moved us away from our family, our friends, our church, and every thing we knew. We were so desperate for a community. Especially as our second daughter was set to arrive. I prayed so hard for God to make a way. To show me a community I was so longing for. I wanted our kids to have friends too. I wanted people who understood the challenges of being a mother in this day and age. Again I prayed, God give us a community, one where we could raise our kids together, where our kids could be friends, ones that supported, and loved one another, ones that loved God together. It was then that someone from church said “would you like to come to MomCo with me?” I was skeptical at first. But something kept telling me this is God’s open door. I struggle when meeting new people. I’m shy, and have a hard time opening up. But as soon as I walked through the doors and met the fellow moms, I knew this was the community God had planned for me. They were kind, supportive, and welcomed me like I was a long time friend. In the hard times they were there for me. When my daughter was born 9 weeks early they watched our older girls so we could go to the NICU, they made us meals, they brought us gifts, and above all else they prayed for us. Without their support, I wouldn’t have made it through that time. This community is one that is uplifting. God’s presence and love is overwhelming among these women. This group of women truly embodies the church and I’m so thankful to have them in my life.