St Marks Kidz

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Lenten Resources

We are committed to providing resources to help your children and family find new ways to welcome, grow and serve! You can also join our Facebook group, St. Mark’s Kidz, to connect with other families, watch videos and download more at-home resources.

Click here to learn about all our Sunday Kidz Church offerings. If you have any suggestions or ways you would like to help, please feel free to e-mail them to kidzchurch@stmarkscarmel.orgWe are here for you! 

Lenten Activities

† Family Lenten Materials

Lenten activity booklets for children will be available in the church narthex beginning Sunday, 3/2. Plan to pick up your family’s copy prior to the start of Lent (Ash Wednesday, 3/5). There will be materials for adults and children to enhance the 40-day season of Lent!

† Family Conversation Cards

Get some lively family dialogue going with enough cards for each of the 40 days of Lent. Cards are divided into four different topics: Body of Christ, Creation, Diversity or Feelings. Cards can be printed and cut out or read them right from your electronic device. Download Cards

† Lenten Art Project

Purple Woven or Mosaic Cross Templates for both kids and adults.
Download Art

† Make a Prayer Catcher

What a fun way to encourage prayer during this season!
Download Prayer Catcher

† Lent Coloring Pages

Several coloring pages for your younger family members to enjoy.
Download Coloring Pages


† Children’s Lenten Musical, March 23| 1:30 PM 

This year’s Kidz Lenten Musical is Light It Up! In this show, a bright group of students has just arrived for Bible class, but a couple of things are missing…their teacher and LIGHT! Come support the children of the church as they bring this special seasonal message to life.

If you have questions, please contact Joyce Click at

† Rock Walk

In this activity, you will take a walk/hike/roll/ride/drive together with friends or family or friends who are like family, paying special attention to certain parts of nature that are often overlooked (dirt, rocks, and soil), but which play prominent roles in the stories of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter.
Sacred. Click here for the guide.

† Dinner Stones with Butter Board

Build a Butter Board appetizer for your Easter dinner! While you wait for the yeast in the Trinity Dinner Stones to take action, whip up three flavored butters to serve alongside your fresh rolls. Be sure to allow enough time to thaw the frozen dough the night before you bake, soften the butter before you mix it up into delicious spreads, and chill a serving platter in the refrigerator for one hour before spreading the flavored butters on top. Click here for complete recipe.

† Holy Week Activity & Family Reading Guide

Click here to download the Holy Week Activity and Family Reading Guide.