St. Mark's Orchestra Spring Concert

28apr12:00 pmSt. Mark's Orchestra Spring ConcertSt. Mark's Music

Event Details

Did you know that music can boost your overall well-being? Music is so powerful, listening can improve brain function, reduce stress levels, and inspire creative juices to flow. Let the St. Mark’s Orchestra provide you with a little musical self-care this spring at their annual Pops Concert!

On Sunday, April 28, pack a sack lunch, bring a dessert to share, and head down to Wesley Hall at noon after church services. There will be a witty MC, a drawing for a Guest Conductor, and a variety of musical selections to make you laugh, cry, and cheer. It’s a wonderful afternoon of fellowship and fun!

No sign up is required! Bring a friend!



April 28, 2024 12:00 pm(GMT-05:00)

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