Request for Publicity

To give unified look to St. Mark’s publications, all publications must be submitted to the church office for review.  Please use this form if you would like your event/activity to be publicized in ANY manner by St. Mark’s. We will try to accept every request, but please know that sometimes, text may be cut or timing of the publicity changed.

If you have questions or concerns please email or call Becky Mills at 317-846-4912.

These include the following:

Bulletin – The blue section in the weekly bulletin. Deadline is 4 PM every Tuesday.

Website – Please specify the page. If it’s a new page, please indicate how you would like people to find it (menu, button from another page, etc.).  When appropriate, your name and email will be listed on the website as the contact person for your event. If you require a sign up, please indicate that as well. Please allow 2 weeks to complete the request.

Weekly Email – Weekly email sent Thursdays that briefly summarize upcoming church events. Please see the help below for how to construct a weekly email post. Indicate if you have a specific image you would like paired with your post. In the details section, please suggest when you would like it to be included in the weekly email. Deadline for requests need to be made at least 2 weeks in advance.

Monthly Jubilee Newsletter – Please see the help below for how to construct an article. Please include all information you would like. If you would like to attach a document instead, please note that and upload the document. Committees are responsible for submitting information about events, meetings, etc. each month. Committees should assign one person to make requests. To avoid conflicting information, please have one submission per committee. The deadline is the 15th of the month (example, January 15 for the February newsletter).

Sanctuary / Cafe Announcement Slides – Minimal information is included on the slides. Please reference a website so that people can find out more information. Please allow 2 weeks to complete these requests.

Social Media Post – St. Mark’s tries to make the most of our Social Media posts. Posts are varied in content and can be boosted if the event is large, such as Holy Walk or the Pumpkin Patch fundraiser. Please allow up to 1 week for these requests.

Other – This might include a brochure, flyer, table top or graphic. Please allow up to 4 weeks for these requests.

Help for writing a good article for the weekly email or the newsletter.

Every announcement should be framed as a short story. By that, we mean the simplest story format possible. Here it is

  1. Problem
  2. Solution
  3. Success
  4. Call-to-Action


Who doesn’t love a clear summer night with neighbors and some ice cream?

The VBS team welcomes everyone back to the tent on Wednesday for FREE ice cream and music.

Bring your friends and neighbors or come and make new friends as we connect with our community.

Church friends, we need some extra hands scooping ice cream and making this a big success. Register to let us know you’re available to help.

If you boil any story you read or watch down to its most basic format, this is it. That’s why we use it. Story captures your attention, even if you’re only using the elements of storytelling and not actually telling a story.

Request for Publicity
Please word this how you would like it to be publicized. For example, St. Mark's Annual Chili Cook-Off
If other, please specify the focus (administrative announcement, stewardship, etc.)
Please check all that apply
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Upload any supplemental documentation or graphics. files must be .pdf or .jpg or Microsoft Word or Excel. St. Mark's Staff please just provide the SharePoint location of the supporting documentation with your text above.