Register your child at St. Mark’s Preschool
If you would like to enroll in St. Mark’s Preschool, please contact the Preschool office at 317-846-8941.
Steps to Register and Enroll
1) Fill out the Registration Form and Financial Agreement in its entirety.
Students new to the program should include a copy of their birth certificate with the Registration Form.
Include a registration fee in the amount of a $50.00 check payable to St. Mark’s Preschool.
If you are enrolling more than one child to the program the 1st child’s registration fee is $50.00 and each additional child is $10.00.
Checks will not be deposited until your child is placed in a class.
2) A confirmation notice indicating your child’s assigned class will be distributed.
3) Make your enrollment payment.
4) Attend Parent Night at the end of August.
Meet the Teachers.
Pick up Forms to be completed prior to school.
Handbooks, roster, calendars and class details will be distributed.
Spaces in our program will be filled in the following manner:
- Returning families and St. Mark’s church members will be given priority placement
- New families will be placed into the program after priority placement. Registration forms will be processed as they are received.
It is very important that we receive your registration, financial agreement, and registration fee no later than January 22 for returning families and January 23 for new families.
Are you looking for a Preschool? Get to know more about St. Mark’s Preschool’s philosophy.
Purpose of Preschool
- Develop social and emotional skills
- Feel safe and comfortable away from home
- Share/take turns
- Follow routines
- Make Friends
- Solve Conflicts
St. Mark’s Preschool Objectives
- Gaining social competence
- Solving problems
- Playing and working together
- Academics integrated into the daily routine
- Academics with personal connections.
- More creative play over worksheets
Visit our Preschool
Thank you for your interest in our weekday preschool. We urge you to visit our school to observe our classes and teachers in session and see our facility. We are open to visitors Monday through Friday from 9-11:00 AM. Please call the director (317-846-8941) to arrange your visit in advance. You are welcome to bring your child(ren) to visit. A typical tour takes approximately 15-20 minutes. We encourage questions so please do not hesitate to come with a list. We want to help you make an informed decision when selecting a preschool. Since the number of children enrolled at St. Mark’s is limited, we suggest families submit their registration once a decision has been made. We accept enrollments on a “first -come first- serve” basis for new families. Please read our enrollment procedures as outlined on this site or stop by the preschool office. (Entrance #4).
A Typical Day at Preschool
Each day offers a child a variety of activities, both structured and unstructured. Daily schedules vary according to each class. A typical day includes exposure and enrichment in the following areas:
The teachers prepare the children for the day, discuss the calendar, weather, music/movement and students share experiences. Improving attention span, listening skills and language development come about during meet and greet time.
Our free play rooms allow the children to participate in activities of their choice and interest. Creative play, dress up and building opportunities are available during this time of the day. Small motor skills are encouraged with the use of play-dough, stamps, stickers, pants, crayons, sand, etc.
Books are read each day based on the lesson, theme or season. Parents are often invited to participate as “special readers”.
A craft is completed each day. The levels of difficulty vary as well as the skill set required to complete each art project. Individual and group work is incorporated throughout the curriculum.
Use of the gym and playground let the children exercise, play cooperatively and expand upon their gross motor skills. Trikes, scooters, wagons and gym equipment are on hand for the children to use.
All classes spend time enjoying a healthy snack and drink. For students attending on extended days, lunch from home is served. Along with nourishment, independence and self-help skills are fostered.
Cooking, science experiments, parades, chapel, pajama day etc. enhance the preschool experience. We promote the love of learning through active participation.
Children are exposed to letter formation, letter sounds, words and numbers. We select age appropriate lessons to expand the curriculum beyond worksheets. Academics are integrated into the daily routine.