Registration for 2025-2026 school year begins January 7, 2025 at 7:30 AM – Door #4.

Parent Night

We encourage all parents to attend the parent orientation evening. This is the time for parents to meet the teachers, meet other parents, visit the classroom and become familiar with all aspects of our program. Please note that this night is just for parents. If you are unable to attend Parent’s Night, please pick up your child’s paper work prior before the first day of class.

The paperwork distributed on parent’s night will be due on the first day of school and includes the following:

Physician’s Statement (for children new to the program)
Waiver & Release
Car Pool Permission
Medical Information
Parent Permission
Family Information

**all documents can be found in the Preschool Document List

Parent Night Agenda

6:30 PM  Bunny/Puppy parents meet with teachers.
Specific information about your child’s daily schedule, curriculum, class events, etc. will be shared.

7:00 PM All parents meet with Preschool Director after obtaining folders.

7:30 PM Parents break into individual class meetings.
Specific information about your child’s daily schedule, curriculum, class events, etc. will be shared.

8:00 PM Dismissal