Prayer and Care
St. Mark’s is a community of followers of Jesus Christ who care for one another.
How can you help care for your neighbors? How can we support you?
Prayer Chain & Prayer Requests
The prayer chain is a way to share our concerns and pray for our church family. We share a minimum amount of information on the prayer chain for privacy purposes. Please do not reply to prayer requests. We also ask that you do not share prayer request information on social media. If you would like to become a member of the prayer chain and provide prayer support for those in need please send an email to
Prayer requests are reviewed by church staff Monday through Friday during regular office hours (9:00 am – 3:00 pm.) If you have a Prayer Request, please email our pastors at or call the church office at 317-846-4912. Please indicate if you would like your request shared with our Prayer Chain, shared with only staff or shared in worship.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This ministry uses the care and love of knitting, crocheting, weaving and quilting and combines it with a prayerful outreach to those in need of comfort and solace. We are always looking for new members and are happy to teach anyone interested in learning and provide supplies if needed. We would love to have any men that knit or crochet join as well. We also welcome members who would like to make shawls but can’t make the meetings. The group meets every other month on the third Tuesday.
Please contact the church office if you would like to request a prayer shawl.
Sunday Flowers
Sign up to sponsor flowers or contact the church office at 317-846-4912. Flowers are $40 and may be taken home after the 11:00 am service.
Rosebuds are placed on the altar by St. Mark’s to celebrate the birth of a new child to a St. Mark’s family.
Grandparents are welcome to order a rosebud for non-St. Mark’s grandchildren at the cost of $10 each. Dates available for rosebuds are at the discretion of St. Mark’s based on worship events.
Please call the church office at 317-846-4912 for more information.
Meal Train Ministry
St. Mark’s UMC has long helped members in time of need with Meal Train meals. Meal Train is a blessing for two groups—those who need it (recipients) and those who provide it (participants).
For the recipients it is a great help in a time of need such as a fall or surgery. Surgeries can be reported in advance, accidents and illnesses cannot. Just let us know and St. Mark’s Meal Train will respond as quickly as possible. If you are going to need Meal Train, call or email Carol Smith, 406-546-7727, If you are unable to reach Carol, call the Church Office, 317-846-4912.
For the participants, it is a volunteer opportunity that will make such a difference for a family in need. It is my experience that people need to be needed. What else is a church for if not to take care of its own in time of need.
Prayer Squares
Using traditional quilt patterns, the squares are a tangible sign of connection and encouragement. A cross is sewn inside as a reminder of God’s constancy, love and grace. The Prayer Squares are available at the Welcome Center in the Narthex. If you or someone you know could use this tangible symbol of support and prayer you are invited to take one as a gift or to share with someone else.
Contact the church office at 317-846-4912 if you are interested in helping with prayer squares.
New Mother Ministry
This team of volunteers takes turns delivering a basket filled with a variety of items – coffee mugs, teas, lotions, candles, soaps, and layette items (bibs, spoons, onesies, sippy cups, hats, small blankets, rattles) – to the new St. Mark’s mom. Along with the filled basket, the rose from the altar is included in the delivery. Are you interested in being a part of this ministry? Volunteers are needed to deliver baskets during a designated month and to donate items for the baskets. Please contact the church office if you would like to volunteer.
Help Honor First Responders
Bakers Needed: Each month a St. Mark’s volunteer delivers baked goods to the policemen at their headquarters and to firemen at Station #44. The volunteers can choose the month that works best for them and can deliver them any time during that month. If you are interested, please contact Jan Walsh at or at 317-908-9935