Holy Walk Through Bethlehem | December 1 & 2

Holy Walk through Bethlehem is a re-enactment of Our Lord’s Nativity. St. Mark’s held their first Holy Walk through Bethlehem in December 1999.  The Walk was developed by drawing upon similar events held at Homer UMC in Michigan and Simpsonwood UMC in Georgia.  In 1999, the St. Mark’s Holy Walk through Bethlehem hosted nearly 1500 visitors during its two nights.  Each year, we host between 2,000 and 3,000 visitors. Holy Walk is our biggest community outreach event and requires over 200 volunteers.  Questions? Please feel free to email holywalk@stmarkscarmel.org.

Volunteer Positions

Not sure how you will serve? Here is a list of all the areas and ways that you can help! 

Cast of Characters

Wise Men
Guides and Village Guides
Adult Angels and Shepherds
Little Angels and Shepherds
Roman Guards
Census Takers
Inn Keeper
Tax Collectors
Mary and Joseph
Animal Handler
Village Shops
(band, candle, fruit and nuts, gambling, herbs and oils, medicine, potter, basket, fabric, spice)

Cookies and Food

Serve Food to Cast
Donate Food
Serve Cookies and Hot Chocolate
Donate Cookies


Parking Lot Attendant
Shuttle Driver for Cast
Sanctuary Greeter
Sanctuary Entertainment
Help with Little Angels and Shepherds


Build the Village
Build the Angel Booth
Tarps and Tents
Tear Down