Other Groups – Fellowship & Interest
There is something for everyone! Join anytime!
The MarksMen is a community of career and family focused men seeking to develop authentic and intentional relationships while we unplug from the daily stress and craziness that life can bring. We aim to grow closer to Christ through Service and Outreach, Enrichment and Education, Friendship and Fellowship.
PRAYER & SUPPORT GROUP We meet at 6:00 AM every other Thursday morning at the Starbucks in Carmel at 116th and Keystone for our prayer and support meetings.
Click here to let us know if you would like more information.
MOMCo (formerly MOPS)
Join other mothers who desire friendship, community, support and growth. MOMCo meets September to May. Meetings will be twice monthly on Thursday mornings (a new day) along with mother & child play dates, and moms’ night out events.
Click here to learn about MOMCo at St. Mark’s.
Page Turners Book Club
Join us 3rd Tuesday of each month, in room G/H. If you enjoy good books, interesting discussions, and a shared evening with new/old friends…start your reading now!
February 18, 2025 The Racketeer by John Grisham
March 18, 2025 Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
April 15, 2025 Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah
Contact Marcia Flora to be added to the email distribution list!
Open Gym Opportunities
Basketball Open Gym | Tuesdays 7 PM Wesley Hall
Open to all 16 years and older. For more information contact Mark Moore at mvm2920@aol.com.
Pickleball Open Gym | Thursday 7:00 PM Wesley Hall – will resume in the fall
Open to all 16 years and older. For more information contact Doug Brown at dthbrown@gmail.com.
MOB – Methodists On Bikes
May to October 2nd & 4th Wednesdays and Special Rides throughout the summer
All adults are invited to join this recreational bike riding group. The MOB will ride on the second and fourth Wednesdays (10-12 miles at a slower pace). Our Wednesday rides will always commence at the church parking lot at 6:30 PM.
All rides need a Ride Leader, and MOB members take turns assuming this obligation. We must be careful not to rely on the same people to lead our rides, so please consider it your responsibility to volunteer to lead a ride If we do not have a Ride Leader, the ride will be cancelled. If a ride needs to be cancelled due to weather conditions, notification will be sent an hour prior to starting. Cancelled rides will not be rescheduled. Contact mob@stmarkscarmel.org with questions. Click here to sign up to lead a ride!
Romeos | Wednesdays at 11 AM
Retired Old Men Eating Out – Even if you are not retired, all senior men are welcome! Romeos meets at Le Peep at Fashion Mall Commons, 8487 Union Chapel Rd #240, Indianapolis
Come and talk about what is on your mind and enjoy the company of other guys.
For more information contact Don Mehl.
Just Us Ladies Interested in Eating Together – Interested in having lunch with the girls? Join the JULIETs for lunch the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11:30 AM. Each woman is responsible for paying for her own meal. All women are invited, young or retired, stay-at-home or working – whatever stage of life you’re in!
Lunch will begin at 11:30. Please make your reservations by the Monday before to Linda Schenk, juliets@stmarkscarmel.org or 812-454-0661.
Contact coordinators, Sandi McCracken and Linda Schenk (juliets@stmarkscarmel.org) if you have any questions.
Dates and locations:
- February 20: Bru Burger, 12901 Old Meridian St., Carmel, IN 46032
- March 20: Dooley O’ Toole’s, 160 E. Carmel Drive, Carmel, IN 46032
- April 17, Arni’s, 4705 E. 96th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46240
- May 15: Don Rigo Mexican Cuisine, 7299 E. 146th Street, Carmel, IN 46033
- June 19: Pitch-In Picnic: Location and details TBD
Coffee ‘n Cameras – first and third Monday of each month at 9:00 AM
Coffee – yes, Cameras – whatever you have. Our members use both types of cameras (traditional and phone). We encourage each other’s creativity, demonstrate techniques, share our photos and help each other grow in our knowledge and skill of photography. Bring your camera, questions, and be ready to tackle a monthly assignment presented by rotating group leaders.
All are welcome. Questions, please contact Melinda Deedrick 317-903-8388.
Craft and Hobby Group
Select Thursdays | 6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Join us for a time of fun and fellowship as we each enjoy our craft or hobby. We will follow all guidelines established by the church at the time of our gatherings. RSVP to Kathy Bartel, 317-294-4908 or krbartel@gmail.com.
Open to all Scrapbookers, Quilters, Stampers, Needlepointers, Cross Stitchers, Knitters or any other Craft or hobby! Join us for a time of fun and fellowship as we each enjoy our craft or hobby. Have you gone digital? Bring your laptop to work on scrapbooking, genealogy or just getting lost in Pinterest! Come when it fits your schedule. Everyone is welcome – whether you’re new to your craft or an old pro. Contact Kathy Bartel if you would like to attend or have questions.
Join us on FaceBook at “St. Mark’s UMC Craft & Hobby Group” and share what you’ve been working on or get ideas for new projects! Contact Kathy Bartel with any questions.
Childcare is currently NOT available.
2025 Meeting Dates: January 30, February 27, March 27, April 24, May 15, June 5 (No meetings in July or August)
Contact Amy Adams if you have ideas for Fellowship events our would like to help with any of the current events.