Would you like to request space at St. Mark’s?

If you are interested in meeting at St. Mark’s, please complete the request form below. 

Your request is not approved until you receive a confirmation notice from our scheduler. St. Mark’s groups will have priority over other groups. St. Mark’s also offers limited use of a Meeting Owl for hybrid meetings. Use of this equipment must be requested with your meeting request (see below). Please also review the Hybrid Meeting Guidelines.

Please note that our current building use policy does not allow St. Mark’s to rent the facility.

There are pictures in each room for how the room should be set up. If you change the room set up, you must return the room to the way the picture indicates.

Contact Melissa Smith or call the church office with questions about your Facility Request. 

If you are requesting the Sanctuary or Wesley Hall, you must complete an A/V request.
Please note: For non-church events, we cannot guarantee that your request can be met. There may also be a fee to cover the cost of required personnel.

St. Mark’s groups will have priority over other groups. Please note that our current building use policy does not allow St. Mark’s to rent the facility.

For A/V requests, email Ryan Howe or call 317-846-4912, with any questions or to volunteer for A/V.

Training will be required prior to the meeting.
If there will be food, please explain the food plan. Non-church events are required to do their own set up and tear down. Please specify your needs below. Note that approval of A/V requests depends on staff and room availability.

Audio / Visual Needs Section (includes Microphones, Sound Equipment, Computers, etc.)

If you have audio, visual and/or lighting needs for your event, please complete the A/V request fields below, if you do not have A/V, please scroll down and submit the facility request form.
List number and types of microphones needed. Also list locations where mics are needed (pulpit, chancel...). If you are unsure, describe the event and how many will be speaking, singing or playing an instrument.
Indicate any special lighting requirements
If other, please provide information in the comments below.
Pictures, Video, PowerPoint, etc.
The Sanctuary is the only location where St. Mark's will need to supply the computer. HDMI capability is available in all rooms.
Additional instructions, information or questions not provided above.