Dream Day Overview & Results

Learn more about common themes, behavioral insights, and potential implementation ideas

Dream Day was a congregation-wide event held in September 2024 to gather ideas for the future of St. Mark’s. The event was a continuation of the spirit of openness our congregation has been exploring through the breakthrough prayer initiative since February 2023. Inspired by other spiritual discernment events, St. Mark’s Dream Day aimed to foster open, spirit-filled brainstorming without critique or evaluation of the ideas.

The event involved guided brainstorming sessions with 60 participants in small groups about the ways we Welcome, Grow, and Serve—both in and beyond the walls of St. Mark’s, including new hopes and dreams, community partnerships; and potential areas of improvement. Dream Day participants enthusiastically shared their ideas and appreciated connecting with others. This page includes an Executive Summary of the day and a Final Results Report for the entire congregation, leadership teams, and staff to provide insights for strategic planning and programming.

Is there a Dream Day idea that speaks to your heart? Fill out the form below or email Jennifer at grow@stmarkscarmel.org to get connected.

Give your Feedback & Connect with Ideas

Did you miss the Dream Day discussions, have additional thoughts, or want to connect with a specific project or idea in the report? Fill out the form below.