Cornerstone Neon Night

01oct6:01 pm8:01 pmCornerstone Neon NightCornerstone Youth

Event Details

This will be a fun event that will take place during Cornerstone Fellowship (6:01 on Sunday night)! The Confirmation Class will be joining us.
Wear your favorite neon or bright colors that will look cool under black lights! There will be games, snacks, a quick message, and the evening will end with a game of Neon Mini Golf. We will meet in Cornerstone Commons.

Any students currently in grades 7 through 12 are invited to attend – and friends are welcome!
The cost is free! Feel free to invite friends!
No sign up – Just show up!

Contact Don Broad with any questions.



October 1, 2023 6:01 pm - 8:01 pm(GMT-04:00)