Did You Know?
- Lucille Raines Residence (LRR) is a facility owned and operated by the United Women in Faith of Indiana (UWF).
- LRR, located in downtown Indianapolis, was founded in 1977.
- LRR houses up to 49 individuals recovering from alcohol and drug addiction, giving people a place to rebuild their lives and relationships with God, all while learning how to function independently day-to-day and working on successful recovery.
- LRR is in GREAT financial need due to UWF units disbanding locally and aging members.
- The operating budget at LRR requires $8,500.00 per month from United Women in Faith of Indiana to maintain this ministry. There has been a deficit of several thousand dollars for a number of months, putting this crucial ministry at risk.
How Can I Help?
- Financial donations to Lucille Raines Residence can be made online at stmarkscarmel.org/give or by using the offering envelope in the blue attendance pads.
- Pray for the residents and staff of Lucille Raines Residence.
- Contact Beth Montag of St. Mark’s United Women in Faith for more information on ways you can help (bjmontag@frontier.com).
Please contact Amy Adams if you would like to know more.