Christmas Cantata - Love A Gospel Christmas Celebration

10dec8:15 am11:00 amChristmas Cantata - Love A Gospel Christmas CelebrationAll are Welcome

Event Details

December 10, 8:15 AM and 11 AM Services

Love, by Joel Raney will be presented by the St. Mark’s Chancel Choir, Orchestra and Praise Band. The gospel-flavored musical reflects on the promise of peace delivered by the angels on the night of Jesus’ birth. An original composition, Love is Born, is used as musical bookends; its theme is briefly stated in the second movement and returns in full-blown gospel style at the end to provide an emotion-filled climax. In between, the Christmas story is told through scriptural narration and familiar carols, set in a variety of styles ranging from jazz to gospel to calypso.

Presented at the 8:15 and 11:00 AM Traditional Services. Come early or stay late for some fabulous all-church fellowship with coffee and conversation between services – the current at 9:40 AM will not be meeting.

Conducted by Eric DeForest and featuring the St. Mark’s Chancel Choir, Praise Band and the St. Mark’s Orchestra.



December 10, 2023 8:15 am - 11:00 am(GMT-04:00)

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